Day 2 in Stockholm left us with some choices! One of them was the zoo, so naturally I stopped listening to the other choices :). I am a sucker for all things ZOO related. #ILoveZoos
Sunday we set out for Skansen. Skansen is an open air museum and zoo featuring lovely views of Stockholm and is home to wild Nordic animals. The open air museum features a look into the different ways of life in Sweden before the industrial era. It sits on a larger island.
***Fun Fact*** Blake informed me that Stockholm is an Archipelago - an island group or chain of islands. :) (I did not know what an Archipelago was.)
Skansen is family friendly, interactive and quite expansive!
An old house with a traditional grass roof.
We learned this is a way to stack wood so it stays dry.
It was a hot, beautiful day so I was delighted to see this drinking post. Mmm, we enjoyed the water!
Loved this picnic table.
Piglets! :) So cute. I think I stared at them for 10 minutes.
We also saw a Moose, baby brown bears, otters, red fox, reindeer, and wolves. But no pictures of them. I am not an animal photographer for a reason folks! ;)

Skansen offered some breathtaking views.

If you look really closely, you will see a beautiful owl!

We also saw a Moose, baby brown bears, otters, red fox, reindeer, and wolves. But no pictures of them. I am not an animal photographer for a reason folks! ;)

Skansen offered some breathtaking views.

If you look really closely, you will see a beautiful owl!

More views.

A 3D map of Skansen.
We enjoyed a lovely BBQ lunch at Skansen. It was incredibly busy, so we ended up sharing our table with another family. IT just so happened that this family is from Ohio, near the same town where my moms side of the family is from! They also have family that lives in Michigan. They were visiting Stockholm as a last trip before they head back to the States. They have been living in Geneva, Switzerland for the last 4 years. It was so fun to talk to them, and hear their story. Such a small world!

Walking to get a coffee before heading to the airport! We are standing in front of the Nordic Museum or the Nordiska Museet. Yep that is me in the white shirt and shorts, babbling on about lord knows what.

Our view while we enjoyed our coffee and beers.

The big blue gate.

We set off for Arlanda airport to catch our 6pm flight home. We grabbed a bite to eat at an Irish pub, and it was delicious. I actually forgot it was an airport restaurant.
Blake and I each bought a book from the bookstore for the plane ride home.
Come back next Monday for my August update (which will include the books I read this month) and for posts about two German towns we have visited!

A 3D map of Skansen.
We enjoyed a lovely BBQ lunch at Skansen. It was incredibly busy, so we ended up sharing our table with another family. IT just so happened that this family is from Ohio, near the same town where my moms side of the family is from! They also have family that lives in Michigan. They were visiting Stockholm as a last trip before they head back to the States. They have been living in Geneva, Switzerland for the last 4 years. It was so fun to talk to them, and hear their story. Such a small world!

Walking to get a coffee before heading to the airport! We are standing in front of the Nordic Museum or the Nordiska Museet. Yep that is me in the white shirt and shorts, babbling on about lord knows what.

Our view while we enjoyed our coffee and beers.

The big blue gate.

We set off for Arlanda airport to catch our 6pm flight home. We grabbed a bite to eat at an Irish pub, and it was delicious. I actually forgot it was an airport restaurant.
Blake and I each bought a book from the bookstore for the plane ride home.
Come back next Monday for my August update (which will include the books I read this month) and for posts about two German towns we have visited!
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